
Vata is responsible for distributing products metabolic and nervous throughout the body. This includes the distribution of energy and nutrients as needed, as proper disposal of metabolic waste, as well nervous activity, respiration, and intracellular movements. Its primary function relates to movement. Vata gives vitality to the body: without movement, there is no life. However, this movement in excess can cause physical and mental health problems. Vata may cause problems with elimination, the nervous system and malnutrition. It imbalance manifests itself mainly in highly variable metabolic processes, dryness in the system, and pain.

Emotionally, Vata when balanced is related to creativity, flexibility and enthusiasm. It is accompanied by a very flexible mind. However, when it is unbalanced, emotions such as anxiety and fear are manifested.

People with Vata genetic predispositions tend to have little musculature and generally a more delicate body. Their skin is thin and they are very sensitive to climate, particularly cold. The sweat very little and may have difficulty sleeping. Their nervous system is more sensitive than generally and they are particularly sensitive to sensory stimulation.

People who have a Vata predisposition have a highly variable metabolism. This is reflected primarily in appetite. They are quite creative and they begin multiple projects, although they don’t always complete them. They tend to act quickly, whether in the way they walk, talk and think. This movement can lead to fatigue easily. They easily change the topic and understand concepts quickly, but may forget them easily. They often have difficulty keeping daily routines, which greatly balances them.

 In terms of diet, Vata people are attracted to the astringent foods, fruits, salads and raw vegetables, as these increase its characteristics. Their appetite is very variable can be voracious sometimes while at other times they may forget to eat. They tend to produce gas upon eating. Their elimination tends to be dry and low in quantity (with a tendency to constipation). They should mainly avoid cold and dry foods such as dried fruits and cold and raw salads. Instead, they should encourage humid and hot meals that are oily.

Vata tend to have diseases characterized by pain especially in areas with a lot of movement, such as the intestines, joints and ears. When there are long-term imbalances, problems such as constipation and gas, nervousness and anxiety, joint pain and dryness are common.