
Pitta is related to the metabolic processes responsible for providing energy to the body. It is responsible for maintaining body temperature and gastric acids. In general, its function is related to transformation, starting with the transformation of food into nutrients that are useful to cells. However, these characteristics in excess may cause physical and mental imbalances. Thus, Pitta can lead to excessive heat, hyperactive digestion, inflammation and intellectual and emotional intensity.

Emotionally, balanced Pitta is related to understanding, concentration, attention and intelligence. However, when it is unbalanced, emotions such as resentment, envy and anger are expressed, and individuals become overly critical.People with genetic Pitta predispositions have generally rosy skin because of the heat, and commonly have moles or freckles. They have a tendency to lose their hair and have premature graying. Their musculature and size are moderate. They are quite sensitive to hot climates and their skin and eyes are particularly susceptible to heat. They sweat profusely, and their sweat usually has a penetrating strong odor and. They sleep well and in moderation.

People with Pitta predisposition have a fast metabolism. They are quite intense and finish the projects they have begun. Speak directly and intensely and have very good understanding. They are natural leaders.

In terms of diet, Pitta people are attracted to hot and spicy foods, as well as fermented and sour foods, which increase their characteristics. Their appetite is very good, and they become angry when they are unable to eat. Their elimination is soft with a tendency to loose stools and diarrhea, and is yellowish. They should mainly avoid spicy and fermented foods, such as tanneries, and hot peppers, as well as limiting consumption of oils and salt.

Pittas tend to have diseases characterized by excessive heat, such as fever, diarrhea (a method by which the body gets rid of excess heat), inflammation and heartburn. Long-term imbalance is characterized y problems of aggressiveness and burning sensations (when eating, urinate, etc.).